Knowledge transfer into practice

“Since September 2021 our Learning and exchange website FERN.Lern is online. There, you can find all important information about the SAPIENS project. In addition, it provides an overview of all earth oberservation knowledge transfer projects at the German Research Centre for Geosciences Potsdam (GFZ) and serves as a platform hosting the learning content created within the different projects thus far.
On the FERN.Lern Forum, you can discuss the individual learning formats of SAPIENS, KONSAB and Copernicus training for environmental authorities with us, ask questions, share criticism and ideas, initiate discussions or simply read along. Help us bring the forum to life and register!

Our interactive online training courses and workshops on the use of free satellite data in November 2021 and February 2022 were very well attended. For those interested, our instructional content created within SAPIENS in the form of videos, manuals and tutorials (all in German language) is constantly available free of charge on the FERN.Lern website.”

Source: 02.2023