
Facing climate change interactively

Within the project, a digital learning game on climate change adaptation is being developed for use in school lessons in Germany. The serious game Klim:S21 makes climate change and the effects of adaptation measures in different natural areas of Germany tangible. The players choose a measure and see immediately the protective effects against climate impacts. To embed the game in school lessons or other educational contexts, educational materials with elaborated teaching units are freely available.

The integration of the learning game in school or other educational contexts is supported by elaborated modules. The game therefore offers both an innovative teaching opportunity for school lessons and a freely accessible learning tool for the public. In case you are interested in a guided learning session with the game for your class, please contact one of our project team members.


The serious game is available at the following link: klims21.rgeo.de

Funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection