EARSeL summer school on EO education 2023

17 – 21 July 2023
Prague, Czechia
50.09 N,14.42 E

organised with cooperation of:

EARSeL summer school on EO education

EO4Educators – International Summer School on Earth Observation for Educators was organized by Charles University with cooperation of Heidelberg University of Education in 17 – 21 July in Prague, Czechia. The main aim of the summer school was to promote and give hands-on training to teachers of primary and secondary schools around remote sensing and to show how remote sensing can be implemented into schools. The summer school was organized as a platform where scientists and teachers of schools could exchange modern teaching ideas and discussed how satellite data, GIS and digital skills can be successfully brought into the classroom. 13 participants from 6 countries and 5 lectures from Czechia, Germany and Greece contributed this 5-day summer school. Participants obtained rich knowledge and skills in EO and managed to create and present their educational projects with using EO at the end of this event. This summer school was funded by the project “Framework Partnership Agreement on Copernicus User Uptake (FPA no.: 275/G/GRO/COPE/17/10042) and ERASMUS+ project of EO4Edu with support of EARSeL.

EARSeL summer school on EO education
Working with EO data – Maike Petersen
EARSeL summer school on EO education
EARSeL summer school – participants