1st Workshop on Education and Training


2nd – 5th June 2008, Istanbul, Turkey

in the framework of the:

  • 28th EARSeL Symposium

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You are cordially invited to attend the first workshop of the Special Interest Group on Education and Training of the European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories, to be held at the Istanbul Technical University (ITU), Turkey, on 6 June 2008. The workshop aims to make the results obtained at the more than 250 EARSeL member institutes available to the public. Remote sensing of the earth covers many topics that are significant for all natural science disciplines in school and university curricula. Satellite imagery and data derived from satellite sensors are available from studies of local or regional phenomena. This covers larger scales, as it is typical for remote sensing using satellites, but also the region around schools, and allows thus to point out the dependence between local and global scales. Remote sensing data are used to explain actual conditions on earth. But they also allow to outline the methods for predicting future developments – e.g. of the climate system – with models.

The workshop is further addressed to the Global Environment and Security (GMES) programme of the European Commission and the European Space Agency. The success of GMES services and information products depends on specific training activities which include remote sensing for earth observation as a core element.


  • Earth Observation for Kids
  • Science Education at Schools, High Schools and Universities
  • Applications in Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Physics and Mathematics Curricula
  • Training Activities in GMES, GEOSS and other International Programmes
  • Public Outreach of Environmental Sciences and Global Change

The workshop will be followed by an open meeting of the EARSeL project Science Education through Earth Observation for High Schools SEOS on 7 June 2008 at the Istanbul Technical University.

The working language at the Workshop is English.

Abstract Book

1st Workshop on Education and Training – Abstract Book

1st Workshop on Education and Training – Abstract Book

Workshop Chairperson

Mario Hernandez Unesco, Paris
Rainer Reuter University of Oldenburg, Germany
Alexander Siegmund University of Education Heidelberg, Germany

Scientific Committee

Jessica Bunning Unesco, Paris
Valborg Byfield National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, U.K.JRC ISPRA, Italy
Maurizio Fea ESA/ESRIN, Frascati, Italy
Rudi Goossens Ghent University, Belgium
Eberhard Hilf ISN Oldenburg, Germany
Christina Klose University of Oldenburg, Germany
Ioannis Manakos Mediterranean Agronomic Institute, Chania, Greece
Keith Raymond McCloy Aarhus University, Denmark
Francesco Sarti ESA/ESRIN, Frascati, Italy
Hans van der Woerd Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Alexandra Wolf University of Education Heidelberg, Germany

Organising Committee

Gesine Böttcher EARSeL Secretariat, Hannover, Germany
Derya Maktav Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
Geraldine Schmiechen University of Oldenburg, Germany

Venue and Accommodation

The workshop will be held in the ITU Conference Hall at Istanbul Technical University, Ayazaga Kampüsü, Süleyman Demirel Kültür Merkezi, Maslak / 34469 Istanbul.
Istanbul is Turkey’s most populous city, and its cultural and financial centre. It is located on the Bosporus Strait, and extends both on the European (Thrace) and on the Asian (Anatolia) side of the Bosporus. The city was chosen as joint European Capital of Culture for 2010. The Historic Areas of Istanbul were added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1985.

Detailed travel information with links to city maps, consulates for visa applications and more is found on the EARSeL Symposium Website.

There is a wide range of hotels available in different price categories.


Contributions presented at the workshop will be published in the Workshop Proceedings on CD-ROM. Manuscripts must be prepared according to the style guide in the sample paper (80 kB rtf file). Please save the file on your computer and use it as a sample paper for manuscript preparation. A conversion to Microsoft Word might be appropriate to reduce the file size if graphics are included in your document. There is no limit as to the number of pages and colour graphics.

The manuscripts will also be available on the Internet within EARSeL’s Workshop Proceedings Series.

Authors are particularly encouraged to submit their manuscripts to EARSeL’s reviewed open-access journal EARSeL eProceedings.